> Materials Applications By Test Standard
> ASTM Test Standards
> ASTM D3039: Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
ASTM D3039
Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite MaterialsApplication Overview
Test Method Summary
Tensile testing of polymer matrix composite materials per ASTM D3039, is used to determine mechanical material property data. Uniaxial tensile force is applied to a flat test specimen to investigate the stress/strain behavior, and critical materials properties including tensile modulus, tensile strength, elongation at break, and Poisson’s ratio. Composite materials that are reinforced by of continuous or discontinuous high-modulus fibers are addressed by the standard.
The tensile test is performed by placing a test specimen in the grips of either a servohydraulic or an electromechanical testing machine and subjecting the specimen to controlled tension load until failure. The specimen response can be measured with a contacting or non-contacting extensometer, or strain gages.
Solutions for ASTM D3039 typically include these types of components:
Load Frame Options
The MTS Landmark servohydraulic test systems and MTS Criterion electromechanical universal test systems are ideal for performing accurate and repeatable monotonic testing of polymer matrix composite materials per ASTM D3039.
The MTS Landmark system’s innovative test frame design exhibits superior stiffness and alignment capabilities. The test system integrates the latest MTS servohydraulic technology including precision-machined columns for consistently tight alignment, fatigue-rated MTS actuators with low-friction bearings, smooth-ramping hydraulic service manifolds, and SilentFlo™ hydraulic power units that are quiet enough to be located directly in the laboratory.
The compact MTS Criterion test system features high-resolution MTS digital controls, linear motion guides for superior alignment, high-speed, low vibration MTS electromechanical drives, optional Dual Zone test space for maximizing efficiency and anti-rotation grip/fixture mounting to minimize shear stresses on the specimen.
Chamber Options
MTS Series 651 Environmental Chamber
- Temperature range of -150°C to 540°C (-240°F to 1000°F)
- Designed for MTS Landmark systems
- Compatible with video extensometers
MTS Advantage™ Environmental Chamber
- Temperature range of -129°C to 315°C (-200°F to 600°F)
- Designed for MTS Criterion systems
- Compatible with video extensometers
Extensometry Options
MTS Advantage Video Extensometer (AVX)
Delivers the highest quality in non-contact axial and cross-sectional strain measurement
Multiple camera option to support strain averaging of opposite sides of the specimen
MTS Contact Extensometers (Axial Model 634.31 & Transverse Model 632.18)
- Temperature range of -100°C to 175 °C (-150°F to 350°F)
- Repeatable strain measurement devices with quick attach fixture
- Ideal for measuring axial & transverse strain on specimens with rectangular cross sections
Grip Options
Model 647 Side-Loading Hydraulic Wedge Grips
Temperature range of -40°C to 175°C (-40°F to 350°F)
Stiff mounting ensures superior alignment capabilities and repeatable gripping to minimize bending strains
Tension, Compression & Fatigue capability » Adjustable gripping force to prevent slippage and squashing of the test specimen
Model 647 All-Temperature Side-Loading Hydraulic Grips
Temperature range of -130°C to 315°C or 540°C (200°F to 600°F or 1000°F)
Thermal gradients as low as 1.6°C (3°F) ensure reduced variability
Remotely operated grips support rapid specimen change without cooling for increased productivity
MTS Advantage Side-loading Mechanical Wedge Grips
Temperature range of -130°C to 315°C (-200°F to 600°F)
Easy installation and removal with standard pinned adapter
Self-tightening during test reduces slipping
The gripping force is applied perpendicular to the specimen for smooth application of the gripping force and minimal pulling
Tension grips
Grip Face Options
Model 647 Grip Faces
Surfalloy incorporates a grit onto the wedge surface for firm gripping of composite specimen without tabs
Diamond-tipped for increased holding capacity of composite specimen with tabs
Water-cooled and extra wide options available
MTS Advantage Grip Faces
Surfalloy incorporates a grit onto the wedge surface for firm gripping of composite specimen without tabs
Serrated for secure gripping ofcomposite specimen with tabs
Alignment Option
MTS Alignment Solutions: Specimen misalignment introduces data scatter, which forces the need to test larger batches of specimens and increases the operational cost. Both test systems can be equipped with stiff-mounted grips and an easy-to-implement load frame alignment solution to help drive test machine variability out of the material testing equation.
Software Options
To simplify testing to ASTM D3039, MTS has developed a TestSuite™ TW test template that will set-up and run the recommended tensile tests. The templates support the use of strain gages or extensometers for strain measurement. Reports can display all of the required calculations including stress-strain plot, modulus of elasticity, stress at yield, strain at yield, tensile strength, strain at strength, stress at break, and strain at break, Poisson’s ratio, and more.