Software TestSuite
Con aplicaciones, plantillas y niveles de acceso modificables, puede crear las herramientas exactas que necesita para su programa de pruebas. Ya sea que esté realizando pruebas en materiales y componentes según normas industriales específicas o desarrollando sus propias pruebas, el software MTS TestSuite™ le facilitará obtener los datos que necesita.
- Caracterización dinámica
- Fatiga y fractura
- Pruebas estáticas
Probetas de prueba
- Materiales compuestos
- Cerámica
- Metales
- Plásticos
- Elastómeros
- Caucho
- Polímeros
Principales características del producto
Uso fácil e intuitivo
Visualización gráfica del sistema para facilitar el ajuste de los límites.
Pruebas aceleradas
La función de probeta virtual ahorra tiempo en la configuración y ejecución de la prueba
Lenguaje de programación Iron Python incorporado para crear y modificar pruebas.
Módulos para diseñar las pruebas y ejecutar el equipo de prueba.
Comparación de modelos
TestSuite TW
- Se utiliza con los sistemas de prueba Criterion y Exceed.
- Se puede utilizar con sistemas Landmark, Modelo 311 y Modelo 322.
- Con una actualización ReNew, se puede utilizar con otros sistemas universales de pruebas.
- Aplicaciones;
- TW Elite: cree, edite y ejecute pruebas
- TW Essential: versión simplificada de TW Elite
- TW Express: ejecute pruebas
- Plantillas de prueba básicas, avanzadas y personalizadas
- Creación de pruebas mediante la función arrastrar y soltar
TestSuite MP
- Se utiliza con Landmark, Acumen, Bionix y otros sistemas de pruebas dinámicas
- Aplicaciones:
- MP Elite: crea, edita y ejecuta pruebas
- MP Express: ejecuta pruebas
- Módulos de fatiga, fractura y tracción
- Puede realizar pruebas estáticas o dinámicas
- Disponibilidad de plantillas para pruebas estándar y personalizadas
- Autoajuste axial y torsional
- Visualización en tiempo real de los resultados calculados
- Visualización de los límites
- Función de probeta virtual para predecir con precisión el comportamiento de la prueba
Casos prácticos destacados
Resumen técnico
Sample of the many Metals test standards that can be addressed using MTS TestSuite TW templates |
Standard | Description |
Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials |
ISO 6892-1 |
Metallic Materials – Tensile testing at ambient temperature |
EN 10002-1 |
Tensile Testing of Metallic Materials |
Standard Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature |
ASTM E290 |
Standard Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material for Ductility |
ISO 7438 |
Metallic Materials – Bend Test |
ASTM E21 |
Standard Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials |
ISO 783 |
Metallic Materials – Tensile testing at elevated temperature |
ASTM E517 |
Standard Test Method for Plastic Strain Ratio r for Sheet Metal |
ASTM E646 |
Standard Test Method for Tensile Strain-Hardening Exponents (n-Values) of Metallic Sheet Materials |
Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings |
ASTM A370 |
Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products |
Sample of the many Polymer test standards that can be addressed using MTS TestSuite TW templates |
Standard | Description |
ASTM D790 |
Standard Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials |
ASTM D412 |
Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers – Tension |
ASTM D624 |
Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers |
ASTM D638 |
Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics |
ASTM D695 |
Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics |
ISO 178 |
Plastics – Determination of flexural properties |
ISO 1798 |
Flexible cellular polymeric materials – Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break |
ISO 527 |
Plastics – Determination of tensile properties |
ISO 604 |
Plastics – Determination of compressive properties |
ASTM D882 |
Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting |
Sample of the many Construction Materials test standards that can be addressed using MTS TestSuite TW templates |
Standard | Description |
ASTM A370 |
Tensile Testing & Bend Testing Steel Rebar |
ISO 15630 |
Steel for the reinforcement and pre-stressing of concrete – Test methods – Part 1: Reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire |
ISO 1920-4 |
Testing of concrete – Part 4: Determination of flexural strength; Determination of tensile splitting strength |
ASTM A185/ A185M |
Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete |
ASTM A615M |
Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement |
ASTM A82/ A82M |
Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement |
EN 10080 |
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete. Weldable reinforcing steel |
ISO 15630-2 |
Steel for the reinforcement and pre-stressing of concrete – Test methods – Part 2: Welded fabric |
ASTM F606 |
Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners |
Sample of the many Polymer Matrix Composite test standards that can be addressed using MTS TestSuite TW templates |
Standard | Description |
ISO 527-4 |
Tensile Properties of Isotropic and Orthotropic Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composites |
ISO 527-5 |
Tensile Properties of Unidirectional Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composites |
ASTM D3039 |
Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials |
ISO 14126 |
In-plane Compressive Properties of Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composites |
ASTM D6641 |
Compressive Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials Using a Combined Loading Compression (CLC) Test Fixture |
ISO 14125 |
Flexure Properties of Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composites |
ISO 14129 |
In-Plane Shear Stress/Shear Strain Response of Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composites |
ASTM D3518 |
In-Plane Shear Response of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials |
ISO 14130 |
Fibre-Reinforced Plastic Composite – Determination of Apparent Interlaminar Shear Strength by Short-Beam Method |
ASTM D2344 |
Short-Beam Strength of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Laminates |
We can provide pre-packaged templates for a wide array of additional materials, including: textiles, paper products, packaging, adhesives, foam, composites and more.

MTS TestSuite Fatigue Modules and Supported Standards
Fatigue Modules |
Scope |
ASTM Standards |
Contents |
Low-Cycle Fatigue |
LCF testing up to 12 Hz |
E606 |
Test Template |
D3479 |
Report Template |
Includes templates for LCF and |
Analysis Definition |
transition to HCF tests |
High-Cycle Fatigue |
High-cycle fatigue testing up to 70 Hz |
E466 |
Test Template |
D3479 |
Report Template |
Analysis Definition |
Advanced Low-Cycle Fatigue |
Constant-amplitude, strain-controlled |
E606 |
Test Template |
fatigue testing up to 12 Hz |
D3479 |
Report Template |
Analysis Definition |
Calculates and corrects for thermal expansion |
Custom Wave Form Activity |
during non-ambient temperature testing |
Advanced High-Cycle Fatigue |
High-cycle fatigue testing up to 70 Hz |
E466 |
Test Template |
D3479 |
Report Template |
Calculates and corrects for thermal expansion |
Analysis Definition |
during non-ambient temperature testing |
Thermomechanical Fatigue (TMF) |
Thermomechanical fatigue testing |
E2368 |
Test Template |
European Validated Code of |
Report Template |
Practice for Strain-Controlled |
TMF Testing EUR 22281 EN |
MTS TestSuite Fracture Modules and Supported Standards
Fracture Modules |
Scope |
ASTM Standards |
Contents |
Clip Gage Fatigue Crack Growth |
Fatigue crack growth testing using a |
E647 |
Test Template |
clip gage and compliance method |
Report Template |
as measurement |
Analysis Definition |
Direct Current Potential Drop (DCPD) Fatigue Crack Growth |
Fatigue crack growth tension testing using DCPD systems to measure crack length |
E647 |
Test Template Report Template |
Analysis Definition |
KIc Fracture Toughness |
Fatigue pre-cracking, using the compliance |
E399 |
Test Template |
method as primary crack length measurement |
Report Template |
Analysis Definition |
Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Fracture Toughness |
Determines critical CTOD values at one or more of several crack extension events |
E1290 |
Test Template Report Template |
Analysis Definition |
CTOD values can be used as measures |
of fracture toughness |
JIc-CTOD Fracture Toughness |
Fatigue pre-cracking, using the compliance |
E1820 |
Test Template |
method as primary crack length measurement |
Report Template |
Analysis Definition |
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Productos, piezas o accesorios relacionados
Sistemas servohidráulicos de prueba Landmark®
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Sistemas de pruebas de la Serie 322
Sistemas de prueba de alta fuerza
Sistemas de prueba electromécanico Exceed®
Sistemas de prueba de sobremesa Bionix®
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